Join Ari & Whitney Halloween Weekend
TWO DAYS, TWO LOCATIONS: Sat, Oct 29th in White Salmon (WA) & Sun, Oct 30th in Portland (OR)
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Saturday, October 29th, 2011
Ari Levitt & Whitney Evans, teach two new workshops in:
Blues & Swing Dance
"Tricks AND Treats" for Halloween!
These fun and informative workshops will introduce you to the joy of dancing to blues and swing music. Our workshops are designed to give special attention to those invisible aspects of lead & follow that will make you a more connected dance partner! 'Both workshops will start with basic steps and quickly move on to fun, innovative footwork and combinations.
All dance levels welcome. No partner necessary.
Pre-registration is requested to ensure class balance.
WHEN: Saturday, Oct 29, 2011
(10:00-10:15 am: Registration, sign in, warm up, stretching...)
10:15-12:15 pm: “Down Home Blues” — learn the foundations of Blues dancing, from partner connection to movement to styling. A perfect prep for Halloween dance parties!(12:15-1:30 pm: Lunch -- bring something for a group picnic at the Grange!)1:30-3:30 pm: "Swing Innovations" -- Quickly review the basics, then take your dance to the next level with unique moves such as the "line drive" and the "hurricane spin".
WHERE: Mountain View Grange, 1085 Main Street, White Salmon, WA
- Pre-registered: One workshop (2 hrs) $25, Both workshops (4 hrs) $45 Pre-registration closes at midnight on Thursday, Oct 27. You can still pay by cash or by check at the door, just pre-register online first to guarantee the lower price
- Registration at the door: One workshop (2 hrs) $30, Both workshops (4 hrs) $50
PRE-REGISTRATION & PAYMENT: Please register online to ensure your spot in the class and to guarantee the pre-registration price. Simply click on the Registration tab on the left side of this page. Click on the Payment tab if you would like to pay online using your credit card or PayPal. Otherwise, you may pay at the door by cash or check only. we will also have registration & payment at the door (by cash or check only). Doors open at 10:00am. Please allow yourself plenty of time to park, register, pay, sign in, stretch, warm up, etc....
WHAT TO BRING: Comfortable dancing shoes with non-stick soles, comfortable clothes, water bottle, snacks, optional sack lunch if you would like to join us for a group picnic at the Grange.
PRIVATE LESSONS: Please contact Ari to arrange these individually (cost is $75/hr). Please also email Ari for any questions you might have.
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Sunday, October 30th, 2011
Random Waltz Presents!
Ari & Whitney in Two Fabulous Workshops:
"At Play with the One-Step"
and "Lifts, Dips & Liabilities"
All dance levels welcome. No partner necessary.
Workshop 1: "At Play with the One-Step"
In this workshop, we'll go back briefly in time to 1915 with the Ragtime animal dances where it all began, then move on to the elegant, upright Castlewalk of the 1920s, adding pivots, swivels and grapevines, and then show how much of the technique used in the one-step of yesteryear can be applied to the modern music of today, including (but not limited to) the modern waltz.
Workshop 2: "Lifts, Dips, and Liabilites"
...or as Ari like to say, “lifts without lifting, and dips without dropping" — all lovely and appropriate moves for the social dance floor from an MD’s perspective...
"All too often Whitney and I have seen dancers injured on the floor by throwing themselves or their partners into inappropriate dips or drops. In fact, we were both recently injured this way, which is what inspired this class. While it’s true that in this workshop you will learn a number of ways to add elegance and garnish your dancing with lovely elevations, dips, flourishes, and balance steps, the focus will really be on how to safely execute and transition into these kinds moves while best protecting yourself and your partner."
Please note: No one will be lifted off the ground in this workshop!
No experience necessary. No partner required. Great for all levels of dancers.
WHEN: Sunday, Oct 30, 2011
11:00-12:40 pm: "At Play with the One-Step"12:40-1:10 pm: Break for snack and practice1:10-2:50 pm: "Lifts, Dips, & Liabilities"
WHERE: Lenora's Ballroom, 615 SE Alder, Portland, OR
- Pre-registered by Oct 28th: $25 per workshop, or both for $45
- After Oct 28th, price increases to $30 per workshop, or both for $50.
Pre-register by email to (please include name, contact info, lead/follow status, and workshop(s) you are attending
Payment is at the door by cash or check only.
WHAT TO BRING: Comfortable dancing shoes with non-stick soles, comfortable clothes, water bottle, food (snack, sack lunch, etc)
PRIVATE LESSONS: Please contact Ari to arrange these individually (cost is $75/hr). Please also email Ari for any questions you might have.