Waltz Fest NW, June 8-11, 2018


Fri-Mon, June 8-11, 2018

Seattle, WA

Join us this June 8-11, 2018 when Seattle hosts "Waltz Fest NW" -- the Northwest's first official Waltz Weekend Exchange, celebrating our love of the waltz, the waltz community, and the diversity of the NW dance organizers, teachers, and venues that promote and support social waltzing within their dance line up.  The weekend includes nightly dances Fri-Mon, workshops on Sat & Sun, and fun social activities for all throughout.  

Mark your calendar!  Save the dates!

Full Details at  www.waltzfestnw.com 

OR ... For those from out of town, consider joining us for TWO amazing back-to-back NW dance weekends, with FOUR days of dancing in Seattle sandwiched in between! 

Waltz Fest NW (June 8-11),

followed by

Seattle's "Summer Sampler" Dance Week (June 11-14) 

and capped off with our

 Harrison Hot Springs Dance & Spa Retreat (June 15-17)

Full Details for "Waltz Fest" & "Seattle Sampler Dance Week" are at


Full full details about the Harrison Hot Springs "Dance & Spa" Retreat,

Click Here