Our next
"Waltz Week in Vienna"
will be in
Winter, 2014
Details Pending. Join our mailing list for updates!
In lieu of Vienna, consider joining our Caribbean Dance Cruise in April, 2013 Click Here for Details!
"Waltz Week in Vienna" is a phenomenal social dance & workshop experience! We begin with five days of traditional Viennese and America waltz mixed with a wonderful variety of social ballroom and dance technique classes. We add to this equation dance party exchanges with other local dance schools, an historic walking city tour, opportunities for mixers & minglers, and a host of other fun social events with a great group of people....
To cap it off, we culminate the week with an elegant grand ball at the beautiful Hofburg Imperial Palace -- a crown jewel in the edifices of Vienna where waltz balls have been a celebrated tradition since the days of Mozart and Strauss! And if that's not enough to satisfy your thirst for elegance, grandeur, and a chance to be part of history, you'll have the opportunity to attend two other such grand balls during the week!
Details, pictures, & registration are at:
Waltz Week Coordinators (Left to Right):
Ari Levitt
Sandra Hartbach
Whitney Evans
Axel Schwartz